Welcome to Greece


   W.W.W. Home Page of George Goundras

Welcome !

|My Photo is supposed to be here!|
This is me!
For a most detailed
photo, click here.

Some Information about me:

My name is George A. Goundras and I was born in the 22th of April 1975.
I studied Applied Computer Science in Business Administration. I like computers. Computer Networks and Communications are my favorite subjects to deal with. As I was a system administrator at Ermis On-Line Network (Ermis On-Line is now out of business), I have learned a lot of things about Computer Networks and Operating Systems, such as Windows and Linux. The truth about Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME is that they are all based on old MS-DOS. There are improvements in the last years (new filesystem: FAT32 and long filenames) but these impovements do not change the base of MS-DOS prompt...
Microsoft released Windows NT and gave more stability on its operating systems. The user-friendly Windows 2000 and Windows XP appeared and as they were both based on NT technology they gave the User Interface facilities of Windows 95/98/ME but with the difference that they are true 32-bit operating systems.
My favorite operating system is Linux. I believe Linux is the O.S. of the new century. It is much more stable and has many networking and programming capabilities, so different from Windows. It is fully customizable and the most important: it's free! My favorite Linux distribution is Red Hat.


Except computers, my other hobbies are: going out with friends for a coffee or for night clubbing and dancing. I also like listening to my favorite music. I like Greek and Foreign pop and dance music, mostly mainstream but I have no problem listening to techno and trance as well.

 * I love my country (Greece), especially during the summer, when I like visiting the sunny Greek Islands. As my mother comes from Crete, I like visiting Crete during the summer as well. I stay there in a village called Tourloti, which is locate in the Eastern Create in Lassithi, between Sitia and Aghios Nikolaos. My father's father comes from a village called Platania, which is located in Peloponeese, Messinia. It is a village in a mountain and I am usually visiting it during Easter vaccations. It is a quiet place where you can enjoy nature and fresh air.
 * One of my favorite hobbies is that I like going to cinema to see a good movie with friends. You can find information for almost any movie using the Internet Movie Database. Also you can try my cinema links here.

New!Visit The GNG Network!


|///Photo of Parthenon \\\|

Parthenon is the main monumental
temple of Acropolis of Athens. If you
want, you can find more about
Hellenic Culture.

I live in a south nearcenter area of Athens called Kallithea.

--- I can see Parthenon and Acropolis from my home!

Studies and Military Obligations: My last MSc in Distributed and Multimedia Information Systems at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K finished in the year 2000. I have now finished studying Find more detailed information about my studies.
I have accomplished my military obligations to the Helenic Air Force in November 2002.

Other Interests:
On my free time I like chatting on IRC. My favorite channels are #mp3 and #hellas, on GRNet IRC, where I am known as GeoG.
Find more help about IRC.
The program I use for IRCing is... mIRC

ICQ Information:

 * How to get in touch with me through e-mail:  *

Primary address : Secondary addresses :
(Main E-Mail) ggoudr@gngnet.gr
(Secondary E-Mail #1) ggoudr@hotmail.com
(Secondary E-Mail #1) ggoudr@yahoo.com
(Secondary E-Mail #4) ggoudr@lineone.net
(Secondary E-Mail #5) ggoudr@mailbox.gr
(Secondary E-Mail #5) ggoudr@mail.gr

To make sure that your e-mail message arrives to my
inbox please include the code: 12434
in the message subject line, especially if you are not on my address book.
Otherwise the message will be automatically deleted!!!
This is applied for anti-spamming purposes.

Go To one of these Fine Pages:

* My WWW Links Page

* My page for MP3 Audio Format.

* The Phoenix BBS Home Page. (in Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)

* Do you want to play Tic-Tac-Toe? Yes!    No...

* Visit the Official Site of ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games

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This page has been accessed 37980 times since July 21th, 1998

Last Updated: 17-Jul-2007 ©1995-2007, George Goundras