George's WWW Links

These are some of mt selected WWW Links... Try them!

Search Engines:
Foto Search Engine (Commercial Site)
Find in Greece (Greek Search Engine)
Search Engine by FORTHnet (Greek Search Engine)
Greek Phone Book (Telephone Directory)
Greek White Pages (Official Telephone Directory, by OTE)
Greek Yellow Pages (Official Yellow Pages, by OTE)

Major Greek Internet Providers:
FORTHnet / HellasNet / Internet Hellas
Hellas On-Line
Cybex S.A.
Enternet ISP
EEXI (Non-Profit Organisation)
FreeInternet by Tellas
Vivodi Telecom
Netplan ISP

The Internet Movie DataBase
OSCAR.COM The Official Academy Awards Web Site
Village Cinemas in Greece
CinePhilia Cinema in Greece

TV : TV Channels in Greece and World Wide:
MEGA Channel (Greek Channel)
Antenna (Greek Channel)
Alpha TV (Greek TV Channel and Radio)
Alter Channel (Greek Channel)
Star Channel (Greek Channel)
MAD TV - The Greek Music Television and Music Portal
ERT (Greek National Radio Television Broadcast)
MTV - The Music Television
CNN International (International News Channel)

The X-Files Official Web Site
The Greek X-Files Site

Music / MP3:
Digital Audio Systems
Greek MP3 Links
The Greek Music Portal
MAD - Greek Music Portal

Education / Universities:
University of Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens, France)
Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
University of Westminster (London, England, UK)
National & Capodistrian Univesity of Athens (Athens, Greece)
N.T.U.A. - National Technical University of Athens (Athens, Greece)
University of Crete (Heraklion & Rethymnon, Crete, Greece)
UK Academics Sensitive Map
UK Maths Departments (in Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
Mathematics Department Web Servers (USA)

Various Web Pages:
WindRider - The Super WindSurfing and KiteSurfing Market in Greece
Muquit's Free Software (incl. Web counter)
Introduction to HTML (Last Update: 20 September 2000)
Edinburgh and Lothians Tourist Board (a tour of the city)
Greek Jokes (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)
Athinorama Magazine (Cinema, TV, Entertainment in Athens, Greece)
AcroBase BBS (Acrobase and G.A.T.E. Network)

Information about Greece:
Greek National Tourism Organisation (E.O.T.)
The Hellas Home Page(Master Page)
Forthnet Hellas Directory - The Complete Database of Hellenic Web Resources
Athens Guide - Athens Survival Guide
Hellenic Culture - Hellenic Ministry of Culture
ATHENS(GR) / ΑΘΗΝΑ (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)
Acropolis Information Center / Κέντρο Μελετών Ακροπόλεως (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)

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This page has been accessed 20017 times since July 21th, 1998
Links checked: 18-Aug-2005
Last Updated: 07-Sep-2005 ©1995-2005 by George Goundras