George's WWW Links
These are some of mt selected WWW Links... Try them!
- Search Engines:
- Google
- Metacrawler
- Yahoo!
- HotBot
- Foto Search Engine (Commercial Site)
- Find in Greece (Greek Search Engine)
- Search Engine by FORTHnet (Greek Search Engine)
- Greek Phone Book (Telephone Directory)
- Greek White Pages (Official Telephone Directory, by OTE)
- Greek Yellow Pages (Official Yellow Pages, by OTE)
- Major Greek Internet Providers:
- FORTHnet / HellasNet / Internet Hellas
- OTEnet
- Hellas On-Line
- NetPlan
- GermanosNet
- FastNet
- AlgoNet
- Cybex S.A.
- Enternet ISP
- SparkNet
- GroovyNet
- EEXI (Non-Profit Organisation)
- AlphaNet
- Tellas
- FreeInternet by Tellas
- Vivodi Telecom
- Netplan ISP
- Cinema:
- The Internet Movie DataBase
- OSCAR.COM The Official Academy Awards Web
- Village Cinemas in Greece
- CinePhilia Cinema in Greece
- TV : TV Channels in Greece and World Wide:
- MEGA Channel (Greek Channel)
- Antenna (Greek Channel)
- Alpha TV (Greek TV Channel and
- Alter Channel (Greek Channel)
- Star Channel (Greek Channel)
- MAD TV - The Greek Music Television and Music Portal
- ERT (Greek National Radio Television Broadcast)
- MTV - The Music Television
- CNN International (International News Channel)
- X-Files:
- The X-Files Official Web Site
- The Greek X-Files Site
- Music / MP3:
- Digital Audio Systems
- DJ008
- Greek MP3 Links
- The Greek Music Portal
- MAD - Greek Music Portal
- Education / Universities:
- University of Picardie Jules Verne
(Amiens, France)
- Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, Scotland,
- University of Westminster (London, England,
- National
& Capodistrian Univesity of Athens (Athens, Greece)
- N.T.U.A. - National Technical University
of Athens (Athens, Greece)
- University of Crete (Heraklion & Rethymnon,
Crete, Greece)
- UK Academics Sensitive
- UK Maths Departments
(in Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
- Mathematics Department
Web Servers (USA)
- Various Web Pages:
- WindRider - The Super WindSurfing
and KiteSurfing Market in Greece
- Muquit's Free
Software (incl. Web counter)
- Introduction
to HTML (Last Update: 20 September 2000)
- Edinburgh and Lothians Tourist Board
(a tour of the
- Greek Jokes (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)
- Athinorama Magazine (Cinema, TV,
Entertainment in Athens, Greece)
- AcroBase BBS (Acrobase and G.A.T.E. Network)
- Information about Greece:
- Greek National Tourism Organisation (E.O.T.)
- The Hellas Home Page(Master Page)
- Forthnet Hellas Directory - The Complete
Database of Hellenic Web Resources
- Athens Guide - Athens Survival
- Hellenic Culture - Hellenic Ministry
of Culture
/ ΑΘΗΝΑ (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)
- Acropolis
Information Center / Κέντρο Μελετών Ακροπόλεως (Greek ISO-8859-7 Encoding)
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times since July 21th, 1998
Links checked: 18-Aug-2005
Last Updated: 07-Sep-2005 ©1995-2005 by George