Curriculum Vitae of George Goundras (in Greek)
Undergraduate Studies
I finished my first degree studies (diploma) on Computer Science in a French
University. More specific, it was the University "Jules Verne" of
Picardie in Amiens, France.
I studied in the "Institute of Business Administration" (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises - IAE).
The department was called "IUP MIAGE"(Institut Universitaire Professionnalisé de Maîtrise des méthodes Informatiques Appliquées
à la Gestion des Entreprises).
The objectives of this department was to become a Programmer-Analyst,
Project Chief, Reesponsible of Studying and Development an Application or System Responsible.
I obtained MIAGE in 1998 from that Univesity.
The diploma MIAGE had as objective to provide some specification in certain Computer Science sectors such as the Computer Networks, the Object Oriented Analysis and the Operational Research.
You can find more information in french, about the University in the following Links:
From the above information you may understand that I speak French and English
together with Greek (which is my mother tongue).
In my postgraduate studies, I have made a small home page of mine while I was
in London, just for fun, so you may find it on the following URL, if it still
exists.. (nothing very important though):